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Harvest Ministries Scripture Slide (5).png
Harvest Ministries Scripture Slide (4).png

Every Wednesday at 6:30pm (In-Person)

Bible Study

Wednesdays at 6:30pm


We welcome you as we journey through the book of 1 John. A book about not only following Jesus but living in Christian community as we all follow Jesus. Prepare to see how we should be "Living in the Light" and the two central messages that the Apostle John has for us after being a witness of the Messiah's death, burial, and resurrection.

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As you study the walking in the Light that is Jesus in 1 John over the course of 5 sessions, we prayerfully and humbly expect to: 


  • Learn how to truly be a child of God

  • Discover what it means to live in Christian community

  • Shine your light into the world in Spirit and Truth


Everyone that registers for this study will receive a study guide download each week that'll help you along and keep you accountable during the study as we read, interpret, and discuss one chapter per week. This study guide includes:


  • A How to Guide on how to use the study guide

  • A SOAP page for you to jot down observations, applications, and prayers as they pertain to the text

  • Q&A pages that provide an opportunity for self-reflection, application, and a deeper understanding of the text


This study guide is a free download that is available upon registration. If you would like a physical copy, we will have printed ones available.


For those that will be attending in-person, we will host the Bible at our home in the Little Elm/Aubrey area and will provide the address and directions via email.


Don't forget to check out our resources page for all recommended and trusted Bible study tools that we actually use.


Register below to claim your downloadable copy. May the Lord bless you, keep you, make His face shine upon you, and give you peace.

Harvest Kids & Students

Come one, come all!


Have kids? We welcome all ages from birth through 5th grade to join us (higher grade students are welcome to join their parents). Younger children enjoy a lesson, games that reinforce the lesson, and snack because who doesn't like snacks?! Middle and High School students are welcome to join their parents in the main discussion time.

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"This is the message we have heard from Him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all."- 1 John 1:5

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Join our Dream Team or attend a church service

Christian Booklet

Let Us Pray

We'd love to pray for you!

As a ministry that prays with hope and expectation, we would be honored to have the opportunity to come alongside you for any prayer need you may have. Each prayer request is given individualized, special attention, and kept confidential. 

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