Your generous gifts will help us see more lives transformed in the Little Elm/Aubrey area with the gospel, support missions and benevolence, bless Braswell High school and others in our area, and develop more godly leaders. We are built on the small sacrifices of many, not the resources of a few because many hands make for light work. As you prayerfully seek the Lord in prayer regarding giving an end of year gift, consider these aspects of giving.
There are four aspects of giving:
1. Joyful Giving: This kind of giving is from the heart and our emotions are involved. We love the feeling of giving and getting to be a part of the mission of God. It brings us joy to know we get to be a part of this.
2. Sacrificial Giving: This kind of giving comes from a deep conviction inside, by faith, when we consider how Jesus paid it all, so we owe everything to Him. We want to give above and beyond so that we can make as much of an impact in the Kingdom as possible.
3. Thoughtful Giving: This kind of giving comes with intention and purpose in mind. We give regularly and thoughtfully, knowing this is something God has called us to do. We want to be good stewards of our finances, which means being fully aware of our spending, our giving, and our saving.
4. Obedient Giving: This kind of giving is from a position of strength. We give from a willingness to obey what the Scriptures call us to do with our finances. We know the Bible talks about tithing as a general baseline, so we're going to follow God's commands and give as a discipline and an act of obedience as best as we are able.​​​
Largest Need
We believe that the local church is God's means of redeeming the world to Himself. We want to see more of the Little Elm/Aubrey area reached with the gospel and come to love our Lord and Savior with us. Our biggest need is to have extra funds to be able to reach the lost through various ministries and increase the communities awareness of our church. We will use these funds in efforts to reach the lost with hopes that they would come into a loving relationship with the God of the universe.
Largest Vision
We believe that the local church is God's means of redeeming the world. The best way to reach the world is through local and global missions with church planting being big part of that. Our desire to send families out to plant a church within our first 5 years is a big goal that God has placed on our hearts. We will use additional funds to help make this a reality in addition to our efforts of eradicating food insecurities, establishing transitional housing, and providing benevolence to those in need of assistance.
Largest Impact
Proverbs 22:6 tells us to train up our youth in the way that they should go. We want to bless the youth in our area from birth through high school so much that if our church were to disappear, we would be greatly missed because of the impact we have on them. We hope to use funds to not only increase the depth of our impact on the next generation but also the width of our impact by empowering our youth to serve more in their spheres of influence!
Largest Focus
One of our greatest desires as a church is to train, develop, empower, and launch the next generation of leaders. We realize that we have the unique opportunity to do what many other churches struggle to do—develop a diverse group of leaders. We plan to use these funds to help support those in our church family who are growing in their faith and ministry skills and are interested in missions, vocational ministry, church planting, etc.
You're Invited
What might God be calling you to give? Help us see more come to faith in Jesus through your generosity.
Here are some guidelines to consider for year-end gifts:
Any contributions received by December 31st will appear on the 2023 contribution statements.
Contributions may be made online at this secure giving page or by texting your gift amount to 84321.
Contributions that are mailed must be postmarked by December 31st. Checks may be mailed to: ​11450 US Hwy 380 Ste 130-286, Cross Roads, TX 76227.
In-person contributions may be dropped at our New Year's Eve worship service on Sunday, December 31st, at 11AM at Braswell High School located at 26750 E. University Dr, Aubrey, TX 76227.